Terms Conditions


The terms and conditions contained herein shall apply to the relationship between the visitor (hereinafter referred to as the “Guest”) and Valley Beach from the time the reservation is requested until the time the period of stay at the accommodation ends. Where the Terms and Conditions are omitted, the Portuguese legislation in force will apply.

Conclusion of the Contract

By requesting an apartment reservation, the Guest makes an offer to stay at Valley Beach. If rooms are available, Valley Beach will provide the Guest with a reservation code.
The Guest is informed that reservations for apartments at Valley Beach made through third parties (tour operators or on apartment booking portals on the internet) determine the issuance of a reservation code different from the one issued directly by Valley Beach, but it is also valid.
Requests to book apartments made directly to Valley Beach or through a third party are not binding and do not obligate Valley Beach to contract with the Guest. Valley Beach shall at all times have the right to refuse to enter into a contract and make the apartment available at its sole discretion.
Valley Beach only guarantees the Guest the availability of an apartment of the reserved category.

Types of Reservations and respective cancellation

At Valley Beach, the Guest can make only one type of reservation, the guaranteed reservation.
Guaranteed reservation consists of the reservation made on the web platform in valleybeach.pt, of an apartment in a Valley Beach accommodation accompanied by the Guest providing valid and complete credit card details, or the reservation accompanied by proof of payment through the PayPal platform or even the reservation accompanied by sending it to the emails indicated online, proof of bank transfer of the full price of the apartment booked.
The Guaranteed Reservation can be freely cancelled by the Guest, free of charge, up to 3 days before the check-in date, without prejudice to the specific conditions for fairs and special events provided for in section XVIII.
The Guaranteed Reservation will automatically expire if the Guest does not present proof of payment within 30 minutes of making the online reservation, in which case Valley Beach may immediately make the reserved apartment available to any other Guest without the Guest who made the reservation being able to claim any compensation from Valley Beach, for any reason whatsoever.
In the event that the Guaranteed Reservation is cancelled pursuant to paragraph 3 of this clause and the Guest has already paid the price – in accordance with the provisions of the final part of paragraph 4 of this clause – Valley Beach will refund the amounts paid within five business days.

Arrival and Departure

Valley Beach will provide the Guest with an apartment of the reserved category from the date of arrival or, if the Guest has not made an online reservation and contracts the accommodation through the direct contact lines, depending on the desired category and according to the availability of the Local Accommodation, from 2 pm on the day of entry into the accommodation.
Upon arrival at the accommodation, the Guest must have paid the price due for the apartment, number of nights of stay and additional services.
Against full payment of the price, Valley Beach will provide the Guest with the access codes to the apartment, which will remain valid during the contracted period of stay.
On the date of departure, the Guest must leave the apartment unoccupied by people and goods and without any damage until 11 am.

If the apartment is not left until 11 am on the day of departure, compensation may be charged corresponding to the price of a one-night stay in the accommodation, and you will only be entitled to use the apartment during that period if the accommodation has apartment availability, otherwise you must pay the compensation and leave the apartment as soon as possible.


It is expressly forbidden to house animals at Valley Beach Accommodation.
The introduction by the Guest of animals into the accommodation will allow Valley Beach to immediately terminate the contract with the Guest and force the Guest to leave the accommodation without being refunded the amounts paid in the meantime for the availability of the apartment during the contracted period of stay.

Terms of use

Only the people indicated in the accommodation reservation will be entitled to use the apartment and for the intended purposes.
Guests must treat the apartment with care and consideration.
The Guest must treat the other Guests of the accommodation with consideration and respect the internal rules posted.
Children under 16 years of age must be supervised by an adult Guest at all times during their stay at the accommodation.
The Guest is advised not to keep money, jewelry, valuables or other valuable items scattered around the accommodation.
Valley Beach provides Guests with a safe in the contracted apartment, in which valuables can be stored.
Valley Beach assumes no responsibility in the event of theft, loss or deterioration of valuables such as money, jewelry or other objects of considerable value if such events take place in the accommodation’s apartment.

Access to the apartment from Valley Beach

Valley Beach and its staff shall have the right to enter the accommodation apartment during the Guest’s stay in order to carry out cleaning, repairs and similar work.

Price of the stay and other prices

The price of the stay to be paid by the Guest constitutes the consideration for the availability of the use of the accommodation apartment, in the period between arrival and departure.
The total price of the stay will be charged per night, regardless of whether the Guest has actually made use of the apartment or spent the night there.
The applicable fees are the agreed prices or the price indicated in the Valley Beach price list in force on the date of conclusion of the contract. Valley Beach shall have the right to increase or reduce prices if a period of more than four months elapses between the date of the Guest’s reservation and the date of arrival or if any taxes, guest contributions or other charges are changed or introduced.

The fees and amounts indicated in the terms and in the accommodation contract are all plus VAT, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Payment Terms

The value of the stay and prices of additional services must be paid in advance, at the time the Guest arrives at the accommodation, regardless of the billing date.
If the length of the Guest’s stay is not specified, the price of the stay and additional service prices for each night must be paid in advance by 12 noon.
In the case of stays without a specified departure date, failure to pay the price of the stay and additional services under the terms of the previous number determines the immediate termination of the contract and immediately obliges the Guest to vacate the apartment and deliver it to Valley Beach free of people and goods and in good condition.
Charges for additional services within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be, for example, charges relating to car park, breakfast prices, and other charges that are not expressly mentioned in the accommodation contract, which form part of the value of the stay.
Valley Beach accepts payment by bank transfer, CE Maestro, Visa Electron and credit cards: Visa and MasterCard and through PAYPAL. Other payment methods will only be allowed in exceptional cases, with the consent provided by Valley Beach.

Claims Regarding Material Defects

The Guest must inspect the accommodation apartment upon arrival and immediately report any defects found by phone or email.
Any defects that may arise during the stay must be reported to the accommodation as soon as the Guest becomes aware of them.
If it is verified that there is indeed a defect in the Guest’s apartment, Valley Beach has the right to choose between repairing it and rehousing the Guest in an apartment that has at least the same category contracted with the Guest.
For the purposes mentioned above, only serious defects that are likely to jeopardize the level of service and quality of Valley Beach will be considered, and Valley Beach is not obliged to take any action in the event of irrelevant, unreasonable complaints or those related to details that do not conflict with the minimum level of service contracted.

If Valley Beach does not have the means to repair the relevant defect or replace the Guest’s apartment with another of equivalent or higher category, the Guest may only terminate the contract and receive the price paid for the apartment, and may not demand anything more from Valley Beach in any way.

Responsibility on the part of Valley Beach

Valley Beach will only be liable for damage or loss to the Guest when such facts result from the wrongful act of Valley Beach.
Valley Beach assumes no responsibility for loss of data provided by the Guest in the event of electronic transmission of payment data and is only liable for this in the event of culpable action.
Valley Beach assumes no responsibility for damages or accidents occurring inside the apartment or any part of the accommodation unless such accidents are caused by the fault of Valley Beach.
Valley Beach will not be held liable to the Guest in the event of delay in making the apartment available as long as there is a valid reason for the failure to make the apartment available on time.
For the purposes of the previous number, valid reasons that make it impossible or more difficult to make the apartment available will be considered, such as, namely, strikes, blockades, natural disasters, accidents in the apartment itself or in the accommodation.
In the event of a delay in making the apartment available beyond 7 p.m. on the day of booking, the Guest may freely terminate the contract without being entitled to demand any compensation from Valley Beach in any way.

Valley Beach assumes no responsibility for acts performed by any employee of the accommodation, unless he is in his normal working period, duly identified and uniformed as an employee of the company.

Valley Beach assumes no responsibility and cannot in any case be held responsible for non-compliance with ancillary obligations.
Valley Beach shall in no event be liable for the act or omission of any other Guest, even if it is likely to cause damage or injury to another Guest of the accommodation. Any and all damages caused to third parties by Guests of the accommodation will be the sole responsibility of these and completely unrelated to Valley Beach.
Valley Beach assumes no liability to the Guest for any loss of profits or indirect losses, even if resulting from failure to comply with a principal obligation.

Duty to notify

In the event of theft or property damage or, in the event of fire, water damage or other damage to the accommodation apartment, the Guest must immediately inform the accommodation staff and do everything to assist in resolving the theft or repairing the damage.

Termination of the accommodation contract

Valley Beach has the right to terminate the accommodation agreement if the Guest fails to pay the price in full and on time at the time it is due or fails to provide the required guarantee.
The Guest may notify the termination of the accommodation contract during their stay at any time until 7 p.m., to take effect from 12 noon the following day.
Any contracting party may terminate the accommodation contract summarily for cause.

Valley Beach shall have the right to immediately terminate the accommodation contract for just cause if the Guest behaves in any way that affects the good coexistence, peace or hygiene of the accommodation, namely if during his/her stay at the accommodation, the Guest is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, uses the accommodation apartment for prostitution, act offensive to the accommodation staff or other Guests of the accommodation, disturb the peace of other Guests of the accommodation, or, in the past, have made malicious false bookings and/or damaged or destroyed the accommodation or its facilities.

Data protection

The Guest is informed that his/her personal data will be stored and processed by Valley Beach and made available to Valley Beach’s affiliated companies and selected service providers, in accordance with the Law, for the purposes of performing the contract, for the services to the Guest and for their own advertising campaigns.
The Guest grants Valley Beach the right to use associated companies and select service providers to carry out the data processing and the right to transmit such personal data under this section to the companies that allow them to store and process.
The Guest has the right to object at any time to the use of personal data for advertising purposes, and must inform Valley Beach of this intention in writing.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the Guest’s personal data must be deleted when the accommodation contract ends and the legal retention periods have expired.

Full details of the data protection policy can be obtained from: Valley Beach, Lda., Edifício SEDE Grupo JAF, Rua 13 de Maio, 4800-530 Guimarães, Portugal.

General provisions

The Terms and Conditions fully regulate the Guest’s stay in the accommodation and the use of the apartment by the latter.
No verbal agreement was reached throughout the accommodation contract, any and all changes to the contract between the parties must necessarily be contained in a written document signed by both, unless it is a unilateral declaration, in which case it must be contained in a written document signed by the issuer.

Valley Beach shall have the right to have third parties perform its obligations under and under the accommodation agreement.

The nullity of one or more of the previous provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision will be replaced by the valid provision, which is closer to the commercial and legal intentions of the parties or if this is not possible by the Portuguese legislation in force.

Special conditions applicable to group bookings

The term “group” is understood as the reservation of at least 5 apartments by a group of people traveling or staying together. The “group” is bound, in addition to the general obligations, to the specific fulfillment of the obligations contained in this clause.

The group shall appoint a spokesperson to Valley Beach (“Controller”).
The “Guardian” must provide Valley Beach, prior to arrival at the accommodation, with a complete list containing the detailed identification, residence and mobile phone contact of each of the group members.
When making a reservation, the person in charge will receive a reservation confirmation from Valley Beach, containing the details of the reservation made along with the check-in and reservation details and any other payment terms.
Group bookings are always automatically guaranteed bookings as defined in clause III(2).
The group must pay the full amount of the stay charges by wire transfer to the Valley Beach bank account indicated on the booking confirmation or notified by Valley Beach to the person in charge of the completion of the booking. The group will reimburse Valley Beach for any charges incurred due to external transfers in full, no later than arrival at the accommodation.
The group’s stay, including additional service charges, within the meaning of paragraphs 1 and 4 of clause IX must be paid in advance, with 50% of the payment due one month before and the remaining 50% fifteen days before the date of entry of the group into the accommodation, in both cases, regardless of the billing date.

The group may cancel the Reservation free of charge 15 days prior to the date of entry into the accommodation, in which case Valley Beach shall refund to the group all amounts paid in the meantime.
If the cancellation is made at least 7 days in advance, the price of one night’s stay will be charged in each of the reserved apartments and if the cancellation is made less than 7 days in advance, Valley Beach will charge the group the total amount of the reserved stay.
Valley Beach will book accommodation accommodation of the agreed category or with the agreed facilities for the group on the arrival date according to availability, generally from 2 pm, but in any case, no later than 5 pm.
Valley Beach will have the right to require a deposit from the guardian of €500 per group upon the group’s arrival at the accommodation which it will keep as a deposit.

The group must receive an invoice for the stay, which will be delivered to the person in charge.

Special conditions applicable to the dates of fairs and special events

Valley Beach shall inform the Guest of the dates of trade shows and special events at any time of the request and in any event no later than the date of booking or upon entry. The following information applies to the dates of fairs and special events, notwithstanding, or in addition to, the foregoing provisions:

Guaranteed reservations will only be accepted for extended stays.
Bookings of only one night will not be allowed.
Payment terms XVI. in the clause apply with the necessary amendments.
Clause XVI. It applies with the necessary adaptations to cancellations and changes in the length of stays, apartment categories or the number of apartments.

Valley Beach